Miso Dressing a l’orange

When eating a whole foods, plant-based diet that is low in salt, oil and sugar, we find that dressings and sauces really kick up the of flavor of our beloved veggies. Homemade dressings really are the best. You know exactly what you’re getting. They are generally easy to whip together and with a few ingredients, […]

Homemade Moisturizing Cream

It was the summer of 1979 and I had recently graduated from massage school and yoga teacher training.  My two dear friends, Sandy and Gail were my traveling companions. We loaded up the Volvo station wagon and hit the road for one the most memorable experiences of my life.  Being in our early 20’s, we  […]

Guided Meditation

As a yoga teacher for over thirty years, I always incorporate a meditation/visualize segment to my classes. The time alloted for this practice depends on the length of the class. I’ve been teaching a ninety minute class for many years now, so we enjoy a twenty-minute meditation. Many people today suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia […]

Art Retreat in Oaxaca, Mexico

When the opportunity came up to attend Tracy Verdugo’s Paint Mojo class in Oaxaca (pronounced wha-ha-ca), Mexico, I jumped on it! I’ve been a fan of Tracy for years and have wanted to go to Oaxaca ever since I heard intriguing stories back in the 70’s. April seemed the perfect time to make the trip. […]

In the Studio

Usually when I work in the studio, I put on my “painting” costume, you know, paint splattered clothes. However, on this particular day I dressed up for the studio session I was about to undertake. This included addressing wedding envelopes with gorgeous gold ink and working on several paintings with acrylic paint, acrylic ink and […]

Painted Stones Rock!

Some of my gal pals recently asked me to host a Rock Painting Party. So we gathered together in my backyard and proceeded to create some lovely designs. We had a blast and even those who said they “weren’t creative” make some beautiful works of art!

Chia Pudding

Yield: 2 1/2 cups, 4 to 6 servings A creamy, dreamy snack or dessert, Chia Pudding is filled with protein, calcium, and antioxidants. 1/4 cup chia seeds 1 cup almond milk (homemade is superior, you can find the recipe here) 1 cup water 1/2 cup cashews, soaked in water for 4 hours, drained, and rinsed 4 […]

Floral Coloring Page

If you haven’t joined the band wagon of coloring, I created a Floral Coloring Page for you to make your own cards. Click here for a copy  that you can print yourself or take take to your local printer. Print on card stock for best results. For colored pencils, I adore Prismacolor and buttery Faber-Castell Polychromos. Keep your […]

Vegan Sour Cream

One of the first things I get asked, besides “how do you get your protein?” is “don’t you miss cheese?”. Being a previous cheese lover, I’ve found ways  to find satisfying ways to get a cheezy experience in my diet when so desired. Here is a recipe for Vegan Sour Cream you can make yourself […]

Edible Flowers

Spring flowers are in abundance here in Southern California. My garden is blooming like crazy, so naturally, I like to take advantage of the edible flowers we have available. These gems of nature add color, nutrition and a lovely vibration to our food and drink. Only use edible flowers from an organic source. Always make […]