Guided Meditation

As a yoga teacher for over thirty years, I always incorporate a meditation/visualize segment to my classes. The time alloted for this practice depends on the length of the class. I’ve been teaching a ninety minute class for many years now, so we enjoy a twenty-minute meditation.

Many people today suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia and other maladies that deprive them of a quality of life that is fulfilling. Give yourself the gift of self-care. I invite you to listen to this twenty-minute guided meditation and deeply relax. Find a comfortable spot, without any interruptions and unplug. Many of my students use an eye pillow, place a pillow under their knees and cover with a light blanket. You can practice this relaxation technique during a lunch break or in the late afternoon, or while in bed, preparing for sleep. I’m sure you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I’d love to hear about your experience. Namaste.

P.S. Do not listen while driving!

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