How to Make Almond Milk

People are often surprised to hear that I make my own almond milk. It’s really quite simple once you get in the habit. Store bought almond milk is no where near as delicious, and usually contains unwanted added ingredients. Here we have almonds and water. That’s it. Soaking almonds releases beneficial enzymes and allows the sprouting process to begin.

Here is the recipe:


1 cup raw almonds, soaked

3 1/2 cups water


Soak almonds in enough water to cover, for eight hours, or over night. Strain almonds, through a fine mesh strainer and rinse throughly.

Put 3 1/2 cups of water into your blender

Put soaked almonds in blender

Process until very smooth

Place fine mesh nut milk bag which you can find here,  into strainer, over a bowl

Pour blended almonds into bag and press out all liquid

Store in a sealed jar and refrigerate

Almond milk will last 3-4 days

Note: For a sweeter variation, add 1 or 2 pitted dates to the blending process.

Substitute  Almond Milk for recipes that call for milk as a vegan option.



Soaked almonds have been added to 3 1/2 cups water in VitaMix.
So delicious!
Art Journaling Almond Milk