Art Retreat in Oaxaca, Mexico

When the opportunity came up to attend Tracy Verdugo’s Paint Mojo class in Oaxaca (pronounced wha-ha-ca), Mexico, I jumped on it! I’ve been a fan of Tracy for years and have wanted to go to Oaxaca ever since I heard intriguing stories back in the 70’s. April seemed the perfect time to make the trip. […]

In the Studio

Usually when I work in the studio, I put on my “painting” costume, you know, paint splattered clothes. However, on this particular day I dressed up for the studio session I was about to undertake. This included addressing wedding envelopes with gorgeous gold ink and working on several paintings with acrylic paint, acrylic ink and […]

Homemade Wrapping Paper

Just a little spray ink and some stencils can transform plain tissue paper into beautiful wrapping paper. Randomly spray your ink over the stencil, then turn the stencil over and press to create another image. Dylusions Spray Inks are my favorite.  Click for more info-Dylusions Ink Spray…